
Ohaeng Natural Multu Grain Mix is made of grain, vegetables, and greens from healthy soil and it is the most suitable food for the human.
"Human beings do not live on medicine but live on food and food
is the best medicine."
"It is natural food which helps improve health with consistent use and has balanced combination of grain seeds with strong life force, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and seaweeds and destructs almost no nutrients.
Saengshik is beloved from the ancient in the world as is the ideal food that can also cure incurable diseases.
Saengshik is a very welcome food that increases self-recovery of people by preventing diseases, which are caused by eating a lot of meat and instant food, and by helping metabolism.
It is a very basic diet that is necessary in these modern days. It also consist ingredients that lessen stress.
Saengshik means eating farm products which are closed to the nature like grains, vegetables, fruits and seaweeds of the clean sea. These contain vitamins and minerals which are necessary to protect from diseases and keeps the body healthy.
However, it is not easy to have a lot of grains, vegetables and fruits in this busy life and these are hard to eat without cooking. So, we make Saengshik in powder by drying to eat them simply and easily.
- The Origin of Saengshik
The Saengshik is originated from the Medical Classic of 'Hwang Jae Nae Gyung'.
It says grains contain the energy of four seasons and their seeds hold great potential for life the nest year.
When you eat raw grains, they help the metabolism of our body and it has six times more nutrients than cooked ones. They also make you eat less, so you do not feel sleepy after meals and can live longer and healthier.
There are 6 methods to produce energy by:
- eating food using stomach
- breathing the air using lungs
- getting solar energy
- saving energy using clothes and heating system
- strengthening of ability of developing energy by activities
- adapting themselves to the weather
1/6 of energy can be made by eating food. Therefore, eating Saengshik (having a small appetite) is a reasonable method to regenerate energy.
- The characteristics of Saengshik
1. Various nutrients can be taken in the body
It contains various nutrients that human body requires every day to keep life and various nutrients can be taken in human body.
2. We can have more natural meal with this vegetable-based food
There has been an increasing trend of using more protein, fat, and calories due to overeating animal food. Natural Grain Mix is made mostly of grain and vegetables and good for our health.
3. High in dietary fiber
Modern people have changed to prefer tasty food which contains a lot of additives as food processing technology developed. Saengshik uses natural materials with possible minimum processing process and its vegetable materials are rich in dietary fiber.
4. Light eating helps health control
Saengshik leads overeating people to light eating habits naturally. The secret of longevity depends on eating habit of light eating. Heavy meals cause a burden to the stomach and undigested food can cause health problems. Being trained by light eating, our body can keep healthy condition.
- Ingredients of Saengshik
Grains, vegetables, mushrooms and seaweeds are the main ingredients of Saengshik
Brown rice, Alpha Brown Rice, Glutinous Millet Sprouts, Sorghum (produced in Korea), Pros millet, Job's tears, Brown and Glutinous rice, Black rice, Barley, Small red beans, Agaricus rice(organic), Malt barley (organic)
Green vegetables
Kale, Angelica keishei, Cabbage, Wild parsley, Green part of a radish, Broccoli (organic), Leek (organic), Powder of sprout of barley(organic)
Black sesame
yellow beans, black beans
Root and tuber crops
Carrots, Burdock, Radish, Codonopsis lanceolata
Pumpkin, Citron, Tomatoes (organic)
Lertinus edodes, Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms
Laver, Brown seaweed, Tangle, Green laver
Wild grass
Wild grass
- Reasons for eating Saengshik
"Saengshik is a roborant that the nature itself is moved on the table."
It is not difficult to eat Saengshik.
OhaengSaengshik is the one that everyone can eat by their constitutions!
Who should have Saengshik?
- Children who have unbalanced nutrition due to all sorts of instant food, fast food or processed food.
- Helps ladies to care their body shape
- Helps to care body shape after pregnant
- Housewives, students and workers who has irregular diet
- Who want to be well-being
- Keep healthy and save time
Why is Saengshik good?
- Can get enough of various food
- The meal is based on vegetables that is very close to the nature
- Helps to have a small appetite
- Various kind of food in Saengshik
- It is simple to eat
- Keeps our land alive