The Ohaeng Saengshik method evaluates and categorizes the physical constitutions of individuals
and decides on the diet according to each person's state of health.
There are 7 categories, and each category has its unique dietary method.

These types of people have a long face, and a relatively
big and strong liver and gall. They are related to sour food.

These types of people have a face which look like an upside-down triangle, and
have a healthy and strong heart and small intestines. They are related to
bitter food.

These types of
people have a round face, and healthy stomach and spleen. They are related to
sweet food.

These types
of people have a rectangular face, and have strong lungs and large intestines. They
are related to hot food.

These types of people have
a triangular face and have a strong bladder and kidney. They are related to
salty food.

These types of people have been added
to the traditional five for a more precise categorization method. Sang-hwa is
made up of Simpo and Samcho, the unseen parts of the body. They are related to
all the energy in our body.
There are two standards that categorize the inborn characteristics of body; one is Yin/Yang body types standards which concerns the head and chest size ratio; the other one is Ohaeng body types standards which concerns the face shape.

When the head is larger than the chest, these people are yang type, where as the yin type are vice versa. Whether someone is either Yang or Yin type is determined by birth except rare cases where fatness due to diet. Yang type people tend to converge "Gi" to their upper body. This is because their head is larger than their chest. It is common that thin people are under this type. On the other hand people with larger chest than head converge their "Gi" downward. Because of this yang people can gain weight easily. Some Yin people grumble hoe they can be fat even from drinking water. However, in modern society, people have a tendency to search for epicurean and gluttony it is not difficult to find out upward "Gi" flowing in Yin type people and downward "Gi" flowing in Yang type people. This is because they do not follow their own accurate "Supsaeng" which means high concept of every activity like eating, drinking, body-movement, respiration during their life. By and large Yang people like having cool food and Yin people like having warm food, but humans being warm-blooded need moderate temperature. This applies not only to food-taking but also to all of human activity as explained above under the concept of "Supsaeng". Therefore, the human body gets sick when this moderate temperature is given to their body. However, this Yin/Yang type standards are useful when someone's characteristics analyzed and not useful for someone's check-up. For this check-up Ohaeng body types standards are useful because this is more delicate than Yin/Yang body standards.

Yang people are apt to use their brain rather than their body. In case of Korean people, most of them are under this type. Their characteristics-high competitiveness, dislike of labor work, likeness to work individually are related in that context. Therefore Individually they can exercise great ability but it is hard when cooperation is needed.
1. Soyang People
When head is larger than body we call that Sonyang people. Here 'larger' means in one specific person compared to his/her body although it is not from numerical statistics. This type of people are hard to balance especially their head and body. 'Yang Gi' takes 2/3 and 'Yin Gi' takes 1/3. The characteristics of this type are active, progressive and masculine.
2. Taeyang People
Together with their comparatively larger head than their body eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hands, we call them Taeyang People. It is rare to find those kinds of people. Because their 'Gi' is comprised of 3/3 'Yang Gi', it is also called 'Sunyang People' meaning 100% Yang Gi people.These people are filled with much of energy, braveness and sincerity inner mind. That can help them establish great accomplish ments. However, there too much energy may develop to greediness.
3. Yangmyung people
Among those who have larger head than their body, they are "Yangmyung People" who have their five sensory organs in his/her lower part of face therefore, have relatively large brow. Most prominent scholars - doctors, scientists, no matter what the area they are in are these type of people. It is easy to guess that their brain can work due to their broaden forehead. 2/3 of "Yang Gi" and 1/3 of "Yin Gi' flow in their body. The difference between 'Soyang People' and 'Yangnyung People' is; Soyang people is in a transposition from 100% Yin to Yang; Yangnyung people is in a transposition from 100 % Yang to Yin.These kind of people are also not a common case.
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1. Kwelying people
Kwelyin people is people with small head and big body. In modern society which can offer great nutrition to human body it is easy to find Kwelyin people who are changed to this type even they were born with similar size of body and head or comparatively big body. Regardless of reason, it is advisable to follow Kwelyin diet in Supseang, even if they may find their original type later. 2/3 of Yin Gi and 1/3 Yang Gi flow takes part in their body. So it is good to supplement them with Yang Gi. The characteristics of this type of people are; passive, not-progressive with well-planned mind, sympathetic. These type of people are easy to be found particularly in modern society. Also, these type of people can be more detailed with seven division Mok type, Wha type, To type, Keum type, Su type, Sangwha type and Ohaeng standard type.
2. Soeum people
Soeum people are people with relatively big hands and legs among those who are with big head and small head. All of their body is filled with Yin Gi so Yang Gi should be made up. The characteristics that Soeum people have are big hands and legs which reflect their tendency to do physical movement such as work-out and labor work, than brain work. They do not hesitate doing physically hard working. Diligence, action-centralism and being far from intelligence are their aspect. The 100% Yin People like this are rare. Professional sportsman may be a good example of job for this kind of people.
3. Teaeum People
A People with big body compared with head and with much bigger hands and legs are under this category
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